H1 – Header Tag use: <h1>Text here</h1>

H2 Header Tag use: <h2> Text here </h2>

H3 Header Tag use: <h3>Text Here. This is being used in the Destination Pages as para headers</h3>

H4 Header Tag use: <h4>Text Here – this is set to be centered on the page</h4>

H5 Header Tag use: <h5>Text Here</h5>

This is a basic paragraph text tag. This is just text. No need to code the <p> in front of it, WordPress will take care of that.

    Unordered list

  • List 1
  • List 2
  • List 3
  • List 4

You can use block quotes if you want although this is a deprecated tag so it’s often best to avoid. It sets the text in an indent along with a gray left border to set it off.

This is a pre tag. It gives you smaller font and puts the text in a small gray box. If you want to use this, use <pre> </pre>